Functional - Foundational - Formative

Aikido is a martial discipline that teaches how to join with other forces or ideas, and depending on the context, how to control or work in harmony with them.
Aikido is practiced within a martial framework based on anatomical, physical and structural principles.
Aikido helps to maintain our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
As a Budo, the objective of Aikido is to develop the character and discipline of the individual.
Get instant and unique access to videos, recorded classes, academy current and past issues, articles, interviews and intros to special courses. This offer is available only for Regular Members - in a monthly fee (or higher) - training at SANGEN Aikido. Please contact us if you have any doubts.
Get instant and unique access to videos, recorded classes, academy current and past issues, articles, interviews and intros to special courses. Offer is only for Casual Members training at SANGEN Aikido.
Get instant and unique access to videos, recorded classes, academy current and past issues, articles, interviews and intros to special courses. Start or deepen your Aikido journey here!
Recorded Sessions
Exclusive premiers of our Friday morning online sessions, which in addition to being delivered LIVE online (6:30 am), are also recorded.
These sessions are intended as a review of the themes studied during the week but primarily with mobility and strength exercises required for Aikido.
Articles and interviews with regards to several Aikido training and/or related topics.
The blog will also contain commentary on content found in social or traditional media that is relevant to Aikido training or that can be understood through Aikido lenses.
Academy Library
The SANGEN Academy is a monthly summary of themes explored at the dojo, with videos and additional information.
In this section you can find the most recent as well as all previous editions of the Academy with their relevant links and themes.
Video Collection
The SANGEN Video Collection contains a number of categories including the basic grading forms from 5th to 1st Kyu as well as henka waza, kaeshi waza and buki waza videos.
Introduction videos to SANGEN specific online courses will be also available in this section.